Head Start
Head Start

Our vision is to build positive relationships with children and families; to guide and educate our children to be kindergarten ready.
Aboriginal Head Start On-Reserve
The Aboriginal Head Start On-Reserve philosophy is to give children an opportunity to learn through play. Enhancing learning through social, physical, intellectual, cognitive and emotional skills, through hands-on experiences. A.H.S.O.R. is committed to reflecting Aboriginal Culture and traditions by ensuring that all children, are nurtured in learning and developing essential skills, with opportunities to stimulate their natural curiosity and eagerness to learn. Culture and Language component will provide children with a positive sense of themselves as Aboriginal children and to build on the children’s knowledge of their Aboriginal languages and experiences of culture in their communities.
Focus on six core components

- Culture and Language
- Education/School Readiness
- Health Promotion
- Nutrition
- Social Supports
- Parent Involvement

How do I participate in the program?
Priority for eligibility will be given to those children who are:
- First Nation. When program reaches full to capacity children will be put on a wait list until there is space.
- From low-income families.
- 3- 4 years of age by September of starting school year.
- Parents must be willing to commit to volunteer 2 hours each month.
- Children must be fully potty trained.
Regular Classes run from September to June, 4 days a week
A.M Class 9:30-11:30am
Daily Schedule & Calendars

Photo Gallery