About maskêkosak kiskinomâtowikamik

Nurturing kind hearts, inquiring minds, strong spirits and lifelong learning.

all about
Nêhiyaw Pimâtisôwin Goals

Along with our unique learning environment, we have focused goals. These goals extend to our community and beyond.
- Ongoing guidance and support from maskêkosihk kehtêayak.
- Reclaiming our maskêkosihk heritage and principled ways of knowing
- The creation of fluent nêhiyaw language speakers
- Continuous academic improvement and success for all students
- Learners who demonstrate a clear understanding of maskêkosihk nêhiyawak Foundational Principles
- Quality learning that exceeds regional, provincial and national standards
- The school as the heart of the community
Mission Statement

Our Elders, educators and others recognize the priceless benefits of a balanced approach to learning based on four values.
Vision Statement

We embrace kind hearts, inquiring minds, strong spirits and lifelong learning within our school community.

As a school community we are setting clear learning goals to ensure student progress and achievement. We are also working towards blending lessons of history, the land and language and other maskêkosihk nêhiyaw ways of learning about the world, with Western educational approaches.

Along with our unique learning environment, we have focused goals. These goals extend to our community and beyond.
- Ongoing guidance and support from maskêkosihk kehtêayak.
- Reclaiming our maskêkosihk heritage and principled ways of knowing
- The creation of fluent nêhiyaw language speakers
- Continuous academic improvement and success for all students
- Learners who demonstrate a clear understanding of maskêkosihk nêhiyawak Foundational Principles
- Quality learning that exceeds regional, provincial and national standards
- The school as the heart of the community
“The ability of a group of people to do remarkable things hinges on how well those people pull together as a team.”
Simon Sinek • Leaders Eat Last
maskêkosak kiskinomâtowikamik Opening Celebration

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